
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Creature Sculpting Final (pt 5)

Getting close to the end of the quarter and I am going to have to call it quits on the sculpting. Now onward to texturing!

Creature Sculpting Final (pt 4)

A little update on the death horse sculpt to make it look emaciated and malnourished. I am making sure that the bones protrude out in the correct spots and maybe break the skin.

Creature Sculpting Final (pt 3)

I thought I would change gears for a moment and sculpt the horse skull to get a better grasp on the equestrian anatomy. This will give me a better understanding of what silhouette shape the horse head has. Of course it wouldn't be a horse of death if it didn't show a little skull.

Creature Sculpting Final (pt 2)

After sculpting on this project for a little over a week, I am painfully aware of how little I know of equestrian anatomy. I will be studying hard to make sure this horse looks anatomically correct. More to come!

Creature Sculpting Final (pt 1)

We are getting towards the end of the quarter and this week we selected our final that we will sculpt for the next several weeks. I chose the horse that Death rides from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Creature Sculpting Week 5

 Sci-Fi is the subject matter this week and we have to sculpt a full creature that would live on another planet. This is the Venus Ring Trap. It secretes a sticky fluid from the bumps on its ring shaped "mouth" to catch insects and dissolve them. It has a more aquatic body type and is found around water.

Creature Sculpting Week 4

For this week's homework we had to sculpt a creature that would come from a fantasy universe. This creature is more of a forest guardian and protects the woodland animals.