
Saturday, October 24, 2015

Digital Sculpting Week 3

Experimenting with ZSpheres and using them as a base mesh for my sculpts. First one is a gorilla for a biped and the second is a komodo dragon for my quadruped.

Sculpture 2 Week 2

Cutting planes into the head and establishing landmarks. Breaking down such a complicated piece of anatomy has really helped in understanding the head anatomy.

Digital Sculpting Week 2

In this weeks class we learned tools to create booleans and subtools. The progress for this week was separating the jaw and adding teeth.

Sculpture 2

Taking a break and switching gears to a more traditional subject. This particular class is to focus specific parts of human anatomy. For the next 5 weeks the study will be the head and this is the weeks progress. Block out:

Texturing 2

Building on my class from last quarter, we are enhancing our texturing skills by using different and faster techniques for better looking textures. Eventually we will move onto Mari, but for these first few weeks it will be in Photoshop.

Digital Sculpting!

Starting a new term at Gnomon and the first class I am taking is digital sculpting. Excited to polish up my organic skills! First assignment is to sculpt a human skull and here is this weeks progress!

Anatomy final

For my final anatomy study, I drew muscles over the top of the skeletons from my midterm. Not only was it challenging to draw all the muscles but also the angle and perspective play a significant part. learned a lot!

Hard surface final project. CH-53 WIP 03

Back at it again after a little break. Thought I would start things off with my progress on the CH-53 helicopter. I basically have the block out finished and will be moving onto cleaning up the topology. More updates on this to come!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Hard surface final project. CH-53 WIP 02

Some updates on the CH-53 helicopter I am working on for my final. Crunch time on the last week before I turn it in!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Anatomy midterm.

Our assignment for this quarter's anatomy mid term was to draw 5 skeletons and have them in an interactive environment. My idea was to have the skeletons in the middle of World War 1 trench warfare.

Quick miscellaenious figure drawings for anatomy.

Some quick sketches I did in anatomy class furthering my understanding of the figure.

Anatomy project for week 3.

This study was to draw the figure and then draw an overlay of the skeleton on top. tons of fun and learned a lot!

Anatomy project for week 2.

Week two's project was to draw from a picture of a figure. I am really enjoying the traditional side of art.