
Monday, June 29, 2015

The Substation: Part 6

Here are some lighting tweaks after the whole structure is done. I also had some fun with stained glass and the light projecting on the floor.

The Substation: Part 5

The duplicated parts are coming together and I am also checking for gaps between them. I think some light tests are in order. Day? Evening? Night?

The Substation: Part 4

Just testing some of the structure and how it with fit together seamlessly with the duplicate pieces.

The Substation: Part 3

Duplicate is in effect! The pieces are fitting together nicely and look good with multiple iterations.

I also started working on the background part of the structure. Maybe I can close it off soon and start some lighting.

The Substation: Part 2

Taking a little break from the stairs and tackling one of the arches I will have to duplicate.

The Substation: Part 1

Now lets get to my passion. This project was to create an interior structure, texture and light it. I took on an enormous project but I know I am up for it. Here is a beginning progress pic blocking out the stairs:

Sculpting the Male Figure: Part 4

The last class is here and it is coming to a close. I re sculpted more than half of the figure and I can at least show the teacher without too much disgust. Although it is my first sculpt, I have along way from something that I would consider a good sculpt. The future can only tell!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sculpting the Male Figure: Part 3

Getting closer to the end of  my semester and it is rapidly approaching. I finished blocking out the back and took a shot at the face torso and hands. I was going for more of a brute look with a bigger nose but it turned out looking cartoonish. I think i will re sculpt everything I just did. Well, life goes on...

Sculpting the Male Figure: Part 2

After some lessons in the class, I decided to cut off the arms, re sculpt the legs, and ground them on some steps. The lines on the torso are for keeping the proportions as close to realistic as I can.

Sculpting the Male Figure: Part 1

Character Sculpture is up for my next class that I took this quarter. This was an interesting experience that changed my whole perspective about art. I chose the male figure and here are some of the first couple of weeks progress pics:

Ancient Artifact Landscape - Final

This is the end product for my final. I adjusted a few things from the concept such as the mountains to fit more compositionally, the monument changed to something more simple and easy to recognize from a distance, and the amount of natives discovering the monument. It still needs some work but for now I need a break from it.

Ancient Monument Landscape: Concept

Hello everyone! It sure has been awhile, but I am back. I just finished my first quarter at the Gnomon School for Visual Effects and have some things to show. First off is my concept matte painting for my Photoshop class. My idea for this project was to have a landscape scene with natives coming over the crest of a mountain discovering some sort of ancient monument that they have been searching for. They may have been searching for years to save their village, discover the fountain of youth, or some artifact that will change everything for the better. Comments and critiques welcome!