
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Creature Sculpting Final (pt 5)

Getting close to the end of the quarter and I am going to have to call it quits on the sculpting. Now onward to texturing!

Creature Sculpting Final (pt 4)

A little update on the death horse sculpt to make it look emaciated and malnourished. I am making sure that the bones protrude out in the correct spots and maybe break the skin.

Creature Sculpting Final (pt 3)

I thought I would change gears for a moment and sculpt the horse skull to get a better grasp on the equestrian anatomy. This will give me a better understanding of what silhouette shape the horse head has. Of course it wouldn't be a horse of death if it didn't show a little skull.

Creature Sculpting Final (pt 2)

After sculpting on this project for a little over a week, I am painfully aware of how little I know of equestrian anatomy. I will be studying hard to make sure this horse looks anatomically correct. More to come!

Creature Sculpting Final (pt 1)

We are getting towards the end of the quarter and this week we selected our final that we will sculpt for the next several weeks. I chose the horse that Death rides from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Creature Sculpting Week 5

 Sci-Fi is the subject matter this week and we have to sculpt a full creature that would live on another planet. This is the Venus Ring Trap. It secretes a sticky fluid from the bumps on its ring shaped "mouth" to catch insects and dissolve them. It has a more aquatic body type and is found around water.

Creature Sculpting Week 4

For this week's homework we had to sculpt a creature that would come from a fantasy universe. This creature is more of a forest guardian and protects the woodland animals.

Creature Sculpting Week 3

Sculpting some creature busts that have blend of a humanoid and beast/animal characteristics. These creatures have some frog, bat, and a one with a more prickly demeanor.

Creature Sculpting Week 2

Insects! The project for the second week is to pick and sculpt an insect. I chose the interesting and unique elephant beetle (Megasoma Elephas).

Creature Sculpting Week 1

This weeks homework was to create 3 monsters that would be in the Monsters Inc. cinematic universe. These are the creatures that I sculpted.

Hard Surface Modeling 2 Final Project (pt 6)

This update is pretty much attacking the suspension. Next is working on the cab of the truck. Its not quite as perfect as I would like it to be and then I can cut out the windows.

Character Modeling People of Walmart WIP (pt 9) (Final)

The time is finally here! My character Diedra has finally reached the end of its sculpting phase and I am pleased at the way it came out. There will definitely be more characters added in the future.

Hard Surface Modeling 2 Final Project (pt 5)

I thought I would take a crack at the suspension of the truck while refining more of the truck body. I am really learning how these monsters move and it is amazing engineering. Much respect to the minds that create these.

Character Modeling People of Walmart WIP (pt 8)

I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel! I have finished all the accessories and everything is ready for sculpting. Time to get to work!

Hard Surface Modeling 2 Final Project (pt 4)

Refining, refining, refining... Oh and adding more detail to the front of the truck too. It is starting to come together and am liking the direction the truck is taking.

Character Modeling People of Walmart WIP (pt 7)

I went back over the model and cleaned up a lot of the mesh and tweaked some of the straps to hold the gun and fanny pack. The shirt was not as good as I wanted it and was retopologized. I feel much better about it now.

Hard Surface Texturing Final Project (pt 4)

Started unwrapping the lightsaber and assigning material ID's for the upcoming texturing in Mari. Trying to take advantage of the repeating features of the model to save on texture space.

Hard Surface Modeling 2 Final Project (pt 3)

More updates! Added more detail to the tires and the bed of the truck. And of course a flame thrower! The harpoon gun was getting lonely.

Character Modeling People of Walmart WIP (pt 6)

My character is finally coming together and actually looking like something! Now I need to connect all the pieces and refine everything before I take it into ZBrush. Cant wait to start sculpting! Next time!

Hard Surface Texturing Final Project (pt 3)

I believe i can say that the modeling part of the project is finished. Now onto unwrapping UV's!

Hard Surface Modeling 2 Final Project (pt 2)

Starting to take shape! Fixing the fenders, wheels, and who doesn't like a harpoon gun? Now to figure out how I am going to model the bed of the truck.

Character Modeling People of Walmart WIP (pt 5)

Started modeling on the head of my character in Maya so I can take it into ZBrush to up the detail. This is my progress and will be cleaning up the mesh more when time allows.

Hard Surface Texturing Final Project (pt 2)

Little update on the Obi-Wan lightsaber project. Will be working on the laser housing to get the ribbed part right. I will also be working on the nozzle so it does not look so octogonish.