
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Anatomy project for week 1.

This project was to study a master artist from the renaissance time period. I chose Raphael's life drawing of the male figure from 1515.

Hard Surface toaster project for week 3.

I may have spent too much time on this toaster but I really wanted the details to shine. I mean its a toaster, but its an awesome toaster.

Hard Surface Modeling project for week 2.

I am really enjoying my Hard Surface Modeling class. It really is my passion. Even little projects such as a coke bottle are not fancy but I am having fun.

Texturing and Shading car project for week 2.

Our next project was to texture and shade a car. This was a fun project especially the car paint.

Texturing and Shading martini glass project for week 2.

our next project was working on a martini glass. This was a glass shader and i also  added some liquid so i could play with refraction.

Next was a transparent plastic.

Experimenting with metal and this was an attempt at bronze.

For my last shader, i thought I would try and challenge myself. Marble is not just a flat surface. It has a more skin like feel to it. So the sub-surface scattering shader works great for this type of stone. This material is probably why the masters used it to sculpt their figures.

Texturing and Shading project for week 1.

Back at it again and the quarter is starting off with Texture and Shading. Our first project is to create some shaders. First up is a kind of matte orange car paint.

I thought I would have a little fun and try to recreate a Fushigi ball.

An attempt to make a marble checkerboard. Its a bit flat so i may have to try something later to get the look i want.

 This one was  lot of fun recreating an oil look.

I really liked how the oil shader came out so I thought I would flip the ramp and change the colors to make it look like a scarab beetle. Now I just need to model a beetle.